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Well, Scarlet here doesn't look especially happy, and she is very fond of judging you! But despite her grumpy face, please let us assure you that she is truly a happy and spoiled chicken!


Our chickens are treated with the utmost respect and care. They have warm coops, safe and secure pens, nutritious food and fresh water, and enrichment (they even have a xylophone to play with)!

Happy chickens make beautiful and delicious eggs!

Our Happy Chickens

Heritage Chickens

Heritage Chickens are described by the American Poultry Association as breeds that were well adapted to outdoor production in various climatic regions. They were hearty, long-lived, and reproductively vital birds that provided an important source of protein to the growing population of the country until the mid-20th century. With the industrialization of chickens many breeds were sidelined in preference for a few rapidly growing hybrids. The Livestock Conservancy now lists over three-dozen breeds of chickens in danger of extinction. Extinction of a breed would mean the irrevocable loss of the genetic resources and options it embodies.

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Solomon - Heritage Cockerel
Ermine Ameraucana
Heirloom Chickens

The terms "heritage" and "heirloom" are not official terms and are often used interchangeably. However, "heritage" is more known and accepted by the American Poultry Association. We use the term "Heirloom" to describe our crossbreeds of Heritage Chickens. Currently, we have our Ermine Ameraucana cockerel over Ermine Ameraucana, Barnevelder, Faverolle, French Maran, and Easter Eggers. So, from that, we produce pure Heritage Ameraucana and Heirloom crosses. Heirloom chickens are extremely hardy, healthy, and excellent egg layers.

Pearl - Heirloom Hen
Blue Barred Rock x Orpington
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So... Who Lays What?

Which chicken lays what color egg depends on the breed and, in the case of Heirlooms, what they are crossed with.  In the case of Heirlooms, a dark brown laying Maran under a blue egg-producing cockerel will make an olive-green egg producing pullet. Theoretically that is. Mostly, egg color is determined by the genetics of the hen. This means that our green eggs are all produced by our Heirloom hens (often referred to as "Easter Eggers").


The science behind how color is determined in eggs is fascinating!

Ameraucana - Blue 
Polish - White or Cream
Silkie - White
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Faverolle - Pink
French Black Copper Maran - Dark Chocolate
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F2 Heirloom/Easter Egger - Olive Green
This lovely lady is a Midnight Majesty Maran. She lays eggs with a distinct bloom creating Lavender, our rarest color!

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1174 S 8 Mile Rd

Midland, MI 48640

© 2035 by Firefly Fields    All Rights Reserved

Created by Phoenix Creative360

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